Are Sports Drinks Good for Your Teeth?

Are Sports Drinks Good for Your Teeth? If you’re a parent to a child that plays sport you’ve probably purchased quite a few sports drinks in their lifetime for them. After all, sports drinks are seen by many people as an indispensable part of playing sport and exercising. It’s tempting to choose one over a soda…

How To Avoid Dental Emergencies

With a great dentist that gets kids on board from the get-go, dental emergencies should be a thing of the past. When it comes to your children’s health, a severe toothache – or worse, a dental injury – ranks pretty highly on the list of things you’d like them to avoid. Dental emergencies can be…


In December 2019, an outbreak of a novel coronavirus occurred in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. The virus quickly spread throughout Hubei Province and to other provinces in mainland China, before spreading internationally. Quarantine measures implemented in mainland China and border control measures including travel restrictions implemented internationally, contained the virus and delayed significant spread. However,…