Bulleen Plaza

Why We Love Bulleen

You’re probably used to seeing dental tips and services on this blog page. We thought we would take the time to let you know how much we love where we’re situated. Bulleen is a quiet and safe little suburb nestled between Templestowe and Heidelberg. While there are many dentists in Bulleen, our patients think we…

Chipped Your Tooth? Here’s What To Do.

Chipped teeth are quite common, for adults and children alike, and they’re notably easy to achieve. In fact, it only requires a little bit of contact, the right angle, and no small amount of bad luck for practically anyone to chip a tooth. Because they are so common, there have been many advances in treatment…

3 Tips for Teaching Kids to Brush

Brushing our teeth is second nature to us, it’s a habit or ritual we developed early on. If you’re having trouble getting your little one to develop this ritual, read on, we have 3 tips to get them brushing with joy! 1. Start Brushing at an Early Age If you want your children to learn…

3 Worst Foods For Your Teeth

We know that eating foods that are high in sugar are bad for your teeth and contribute to plaque and tooth decay. Foods that are sticky and sugary are the biggest culprits. When foods are sticky they tend to stick onto your teeth longer, which gives the bacteria a greater chance to do damage to…

Reasons Why Your Gums Might Be Bleeding

Bleeding gums are frightening and can set the alarm bells off. However not all bleeding gums are the result of gum disease, we want to help our patients understand the different causes and how we can treat it (when treatment is necessary). Plaque Buildup Leads to Bleeding Gums Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria…

Why Are My Teeth Sensitive?

It can be almost impossible to get any enjoyment out of a hot coffee or ice tea if every sip comes with a jolt of pain from sensitive teeth. Quite a few of us (including kids!) deal with some level of tooth sensitivity, so what causes it and how can we protect our teeth? The Nerves…

How to Sooth a Baby During Teething

As parents it’s hard seeing your little one struggle with teething troubles. Babies begin having their primary teeth erupt between 6-12 months of age, with teething signs appearing as early as 4 months of age. Not all babies will experience all the symptoms of teething, but most will experience at least one, including: Red, tender…

The 5 stages of tooth decay

Cavities are very common in both adults and children. In fact, tooth decay is the world’s second most prevalent disease, after the common cold. We hope that you never have to experience the pain and inconvenience of a cavity. However, if you do get a cavity in your lifetime, it’s important to know what to…