3 Tips for Teaching Kids to Brush

Brushing our teeth is second nature to us, it’s a habit or ritual we developed early on. If you’re having trouble getting your little one to develop this ritual, read on, we have 3 tips to get them brushing with joy! 1. Start Brushing at an Early Age If you want your children to learn…

Teeth-Friendly School Lunchbox Ideas

It’s that time again – kids are back to school!! The dread of the early mornings, the uniform battles and also – making the school lunches… Packing a teeth-friendly school lunchbox doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming as long as you plan ahead, get used to a little nightly chopping action, and try to…

How To Avoid Dental Emergencies

With a great dentist that gets kids on board from the get-go, dental emergencies should be a thing of the past. When it comes to your children’s health, a severe toothache – or worse, a dental injury – ranks pretty highly on the list of things you’d like them to avoid. Dental emergencies can be…