Reasons Why Your Gums Might Be Bleeding

Bleeding gums are frightening and can set the alarm bells off. However not all bleeding gums are the result of gum disease, we want to help our patients understand the different causes and how we can treat it (when treatment is necessary). Plaque Buildup Leads to Bleeding Gums Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria…

The 5 stages of tooth decay

Cavities are very common in both adults and children. In fact, tooth decay is the world’s second most prevalent disease, after the common cold. We hope that you never have to experience the pain and inconvenience of a cavity. However, if you do get a cavity in your lifetime, it’s important to know what to…

How often should I visit my dentist?

We all know that going to the dentist is important. But how often should you actually go? The basic rule of thumb says you should visit the dentist every six months. Studies have shown that people without any problems are ok to go once a year while those with dental issues should get checked out…

Do You Grind Your Teeth?

Teeth grinding, or Bruxism as it’s officially known, is one of those tricky conditions that you could be suffering from without even knowing it. An involuntary clenching, grinding and gnashing of the teeth, it doesn’t always display its symptoms in ways that are immediately noticeable. Most people aren’t even aware they are grinding their teeth until…

Are Sports Drinks Good for Your Teeth?

Are Sports Drinks Good for Your Teeth? If you’re a parent to a child that plays sport you’ve probably purchased quite a few sports drinks in their lifetime for them. After all, sports drinks are seen by many people as an indispensable part of playing sport and exercising. It’s tempting to choose one over a soda…

How Often Should You Change Your Toothbrush?

Your toothbrush is your first line of defense against the bacteria that cause gum disease, tooth decay, and bad breath. If you’re using your toothbrush as recommended, brushing at least two times per day for two minutes per session, the soft bristles begin to fray and accumulate potentially harmful bacteria. This is generally a tell…