What does root canal mean?
The dental root canal is a small channel inside each of your teeth, containing nerves, blood vessels and other tissue. If your tooth’s nerve begins to die off, bacteria find the root canal a perfect place to move into, usually causing a painful toothache. As the pulp tissue has degenerated, your body’s natural defence mechanisms find it difficult to reach into the area and combat these bacteria. Root canal treatment is one way to clear up this infection.
Your root canal procedure begins as we take x-rays with our in-house digital machine, to give us a detailed understanding of your situation. Armed with this information we can then carefully remove all the infected pulp from your tooth using our advanced nickel titanium rotary files.
In the next treatment phase we spin in a special temporary antibacterial filler, which helps to cleanse and soothe your tooth, alleviating the toothache. Over the next four to six weeks, this material will thoroughly remove any last traces of infection.
The final stage of your endodontic therapy involves plugging the excavated tooth and restoring its natural appearance with a dental crown. You can now relax and live without the pain of an infected tooth, all thanks to root canal therapy!